Fever, Cold, Cough, Sore throat,
Finally I am able to sit in front of the computer and update my blog. I have been away for work and been very busy with shoots since I come back. I have been very sick for a week and this is the first time I had cold, flu, fever, cough and sore throat for a week. Every day when I come back from work I just pop into the bed and sleep. My body felt so weak that I couldn't do anything. Today, not feeling any better. I think because yesterday went out to meet some friends and we had alot of fried food. I have to drink alot of warm water and eat lozenges to soothes my throat. Anyway, never been so sock before.
S quit her job recently. She have been with the company.... like 8 years? Though she never share with me much abt how she feel but I know she is very sad to leave the company. I think she missed her days when she was with E Sq. She knew alot of good friends from E sq but after she posted to HQ, she has been very unhappy. I can feel that it is a relieve for her when she decided to quit her job. Wherever she is, I know she will be happy. People who know us always think that I am the stronger one but S is always the stronger one.
Yesterday went to Borders and bought a book. "Annie Leibovitz At Work". This book is about how she made her pictures, her days with rolling stones and 10 things she is always asked. Go grab this if you like her work too....
“The first thing I did with my very first camera was climb Mt. Fuji. Climbing Mt. Fuji is a lesson in determination and moderation. It would be fair to ask if I took the moderation part to heart. But it certainly was a lesson in respecting your camera. If I was going to live with this thing, I was going to have to think about what that meant. There were not going to be any pictures without it."
—Annie Leibovitz
S quit her job recently. She have been with the company.... like 8 years? Though she never share with me much abt how she feel but I know she is very sad to leave the company. I think she missed her days when she was with E Sq. She knew alot of good friends from E sq but after she posted to HQ, she has been very unhappy. I can feel that it is a relieve for her when she decided to quit her job. Wherever she is, I know she will be happy. People who know us always think that I am the stronger one but S is always the stronger one.
Yesterday went to Borders and bought a book. "Annie Leibovitz At Work". This book is about how she made her pictures, her days with rolling stones and 10 things she is always asked. Go grab this if you like her work too....
—Annie Leibovitz