Have fun with a new MTB group...... うれしいのひはしていますか?
Wake up early for MTBiking @ Bukit Timah.... Last week was abit tiring but had fun too but I am looking forward for today because I am joining a new group..... 楽しみにしています!! Meet up Vic @ 7.50am, he was early and was reading newspaper. I thought he is 46 but he is 52!!! Gosh, he look damn young. We went up to Chestnut Drive, turn right to Chestnut ave, pass by Zhenghua Park (which is damn near my place) then reach the meeting point which is the entrance of T15. 2 guys were there unloading their bike (gerald and john), one riding a Santa Cruz Nomad and the other riding Specialize, both are full sup. Can tell that they are very experience, oh well who cares, i am not like monster trying to show off my skill, i am just there to enjoy and trying to keep myself fit. About 8.30 everyone was ready to cycle in to Butterfly Trail.... Vic, Gerald, John, Chris, Bill and me.... Yes, I am the only girl in the group.... Vic(52), a semi retired man, the one that introduce me to the group. Gerald(30s), I dunno what his occupation is but a nice man. John(early 30s), heard he is a very seasonal riding, look cute and he is MARRIED!!!!. Chris(50s), retired, happy go lucky man, daughter studying in UK currently. Bill (late 40s) an English but love to eat alot of chillies.... We went in to the trail, was very tough today because rain the whole night yesterday.... Oh btw, it was called butterfly trail is because there are alot of butterfly in this trail (seriously speaking i didn't see a single one inside)..... There are alot of roots and branches and very technical as compared to the BT trail.... I push my bike almost 50% of the whole trail. I manage to get out and Victor was very nice looking after me.... We went to TC loop and T15, there we met Diane. She cycle all the way from Thomson and did a loop and meet us. She is tough i must say she riding a santa cruz superlight (green) and i guess she has been riding for a long time. After the ride we went to Binjai Park for coffee break and they are talking about their trip to Chiang Mai and sounded fun.... We park from there and I hope I can join them next week.The whole ride took us about 3hours and I did about 45km (including riding to and fro from home). 私の自電車とでも汚い, I spend almost 1 hour to clean my bike.....

