My quiet moment in Hong Kong
Wake up quite early this morning but went back to sleep again. Maybe too tired from walking plus I sprain my leg. Called HKTB to change our flight to earlier so I can be home and see sinseh. I am sad that I cant swim and job and play basketball for time being, I think at least for a month.... I hate being injured. Anyway, this morning me and Ann went to Macau Cafe to have brunch. She had roasted pigeon and I had bake rice with pork cutlet. Food there not bad but drinks there not nice. After brunch, we go seperate way. She said she wants to go else where but I told her I am going to stay @ causeway bay and shop around. Went to Sogo and bought a ankle guard from Nike... quite cheap... Then I saw Northface and bought myself a windbreaker.... I always wanted a Northface Jacket so seem it is a new model so I thought of buying it. I went to Porter and bought Sarah a waist pouch. I hope she will like it, quite expensive also and I think I going to eat grass when I am back to singapore.... Still have my Scandi trip.... but I looking forward :) After shopping, I went to starbucks and read my new book. Very nice book if anyone wants to read, ask me k..... Meeting Yen tonight.... So good to meet him in hong kong. He had allergy or something anyway will ask him later. Ok, one more day to go... Miss home, miss my quiet dad, miss my noisy brother, miss my studio, miss sarah, miss my bed, miss my room, miss my ankle to be well, miss singapore..... miss my friends....
